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How to contribute#

Contributions are welcome! Not familiar with the codebase yet? No problem! There are many ways to contribute to open source projects: reporting bugs, helping with the documentation, spreading the word and of course, adding new features and patches.

Reporting issues#

  • Describe what you expected to happen.
  • If possible, include a minimal, complete, and verifiable example to help us identify the issue. This also helps to check that the issue is not with your own code.
  • Describe what actually happened. Include the full traceback if there was an exception.
  • List your Python, Hopsworks and Maggy versions. If possible, check if this issue is already fixed in the repository.

Contributing Code#

Code contributions, in the form of patches or features are welcome. In order to start developing, please follow the instructions below, to enable pre-commit and ensure style and codechecks.

Python Setup#

  • Fork Maggy to your GitHub account by clicking the Fork button.

  • Clone your fork locally:

git clone[username]/maggy.git
cd maggy
  • Add the upstream repository as a remote to update later::
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
  • Create a new Python environment with your favourite environment manager, e.g. virtualenv or conda:
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
# or "env\Scripts\activate" on Windows

or with conda:

conda create --name maggy python=3.8
conda activate maggy

verify your python version - we are using Python 3.8:

python --version
  • Install Maggy in editable mode with development dependencies::
pip install -e ".[dev]"
  • Install pre-commit_ and then activate its hooks. pre-commit is a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. Maggy uses pre-commit to ensure code-style and code formatting through black and flake8:
pip install --user pre-commit
pre-commit install

Afterwards, pre-commit will run whenever you commit.

  • To run formatting and code-style separately, you can configure your IDE, such as VSCode, to use black and flake8, or run them via the command line:
flake8 maggy
black maggy

Start coding#

  • Create a branch to identify the issue or feature you would like to work on.
  • Using your favorite editor, make your changes, committing as you go.
  • Follow PEP8.
  • Push your commits to GitHub and create a pull request.
  • Celebrate 🎉